So this girl is ingenious. If you have ever heard MGMT's Kids, you definitely know that it isn't an acoustic song, however, this chick made it happen. After 6 hours of recording with bathroom acoustics and friends background guitar and vocals help, she pulled it off :)
So I totally thought this was a photo. I was completely surprised to find out that this was actually mixed media (oil and canvas). Pretty freakin sweet!
I'm helping a friend out with her website. It looks pretty legit, but in the meantime while I was setting up her FTP stuff, she was surfing the web for cool websites when we stumbled upon this one. :) Just though it looked sick, bummer I can't ever make anything like that.... dang flash people lol
Ok. So this may not be exactly design related, but it is freakin cool! I stole this from (he's an old friend). I have to say. This definitely does make you want to say "wow". :)
So my friend Sean now works at a company at Dermalogica. He works in the creative department with several other designers. Dermalogica is very simple for the design and one the main creative directors is very into her packing so when it comes to clean design and eye catching products, she has to share it with everyone. In this case, she sent it to Sean who then sent it to me.